Author Archives: Spadez

Client Visit (Mr. Steven Hansen)

One of our Client Mr. Steven Hansen from VJU was here from Norway and we had a great time with him. Steven has shared his plans with Spadez for more projects in near future. A small trip was organized to uphill’s with Management. Followed up with the party which was organized for the whole company so that everyone gets interacted in a better way with client gets to know more about him his company.

Thunder zone Water Park (Kids & employees Activity)

SPADEZ organized Monthly activity for employees & their kids at “Thunder zone Water Park” and it was quite interactive for everyone as they enjoyed a lot. It’s kind of interaction between all employees to know them more in a better way and they all can be gelled up nicely. The biggest motive of organizing these activities on monthly bases is employee interaction and to become open in conversation. Over all it was a wonderful effort done by SPADEZ.

Painting Competition (Kids Activity)

SPADEZ took initiative and organized a kid’s activity “painting competition” for employee’s kids and it turned out to be amazingly fun loving and entertaining. There was a lot to do for kids and they got quite motivated for this activity and enjoyed a lot. On day to day basis kids interact only with their schoolmates or the classmates. The main motive to organize such activities only for kids is to make them open & comfortable with outer world also. Spadez took the initiative to make a memorable event for kids.